Q: What do you love about coaching baseball?

A: Being able to be a part of each players journey no matter what level they’re at. To be part of their growth & development, not just on the field, but off the field more importantly.

Q: What’s the most difficult part about coaching baseball?

A: It’s not just a passion but a calling of mine. Never difficult when you do what you love and love what you do. Nothing worth it is easy and nothing easy is worth it.

Q: What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard from spectators in the stands?

A: “He don’t want to hit it…” and welp you know how that ends!

Q: As a coach, what piece of advice would do you give players?

A: NO RISK, no reward. KNOW RISK, know reward! Adversity builds character.

Q: What has baseball taught you that you apply in your life outside of athletics?

A: Baseball is life - Structure, Discipline, Work Ethic, Commitment, & Sacrifices. The challenges you experience will test you just as life does. How you react will determine your future success. For every action there’s a reaction.

